Tuesday, August 14, 2012

So I lied... but this isn't really a written blog just a modified update.

002. Walk the scenic route.
003. Give away the bus/gas money you saved, by walking, to someone who needs it.

008. Learn the cheesiest joke ever and tell it to strangers.

011. Pick flowers for your house.
012. Call your grandma, aunt, mom, or someone you care about but haven’t spoken too in a while.
013. Tell them you love them.
014. Volunteer your time for a cause you care about.
015. Instead of tossing your extra food, box it up and give it to someone hungry.
017. Sit in the park and write in your journal.
018. Leave extra pennies you’ve accumulated on the ground for someone else to find.

021. Wake up early, make a cup of tea, and watch the sunrise.
022. Make fresh squeezed orange juice.
025. Take a bubble bath.

030. Go through your clothes and give away what you don’t wear anymore. Better yet host a clothing swap.

032. Shop at the outdoor market this week instead of a grocery store.
033. Paint your toenails an obscene color.
034. Perfect the art of listening.
035. Next time it starts raining, go in to the nearest restaurant or bar and tell them you left your little black umbrella there last week. Whichever one they show you say “That’s it! Thank you so much!” 036. If you already have an umbrella, tell your friend how to get a new free umbrella….

039. Go tanning. Get a mani/pedi. Feel GREAT.
040. Blow bubbles. Pop them before they pop.

044. Decide to only say positive things about other people and yourself.

051. Next time you wear all black, make sure your socks are bright, silly and happy.

057. Look for a four leaf clover.
058. Go through your scrapbook, junk drawer, wallet, and decorate your refrigerator/journal/corkboard with special notes, stickers, ticket stubs, and all those cute little things you don’t want to throw away, but don’t know what to do with.
059. Stop someone on the street and compliment them on their shoes, hair, smile, etc. Mean it.
061. Wear that one shirt/dress/skirt you splurged on a year ago and still haven’t worn.

063. Send a postcard to a friend who doesn’t live in your city anymore.
064. Light a scented candle.

068. Wear glitter.

071. Tell a pregnant lady that you hope she has a good birth.
073. Make a list of 10 reasons your life is great.

078. Wash your sheets and shave your legs the same day. It feels so good!
079. Jump on the bed.
080. Meditate.
081. Ask someone for help when you need it.
082. Leave a big tip.
083. Take pictures of you and your friends in silly group shots. Sober.

087. Instead of meeting your friends for a fancy dinner where everyone is going to fight over the bill, host a potluck.

092. Learn how to purrrrrrrrrrr.

096. Next time you go out for a night on the town, draw mustaches on you and your friend’s fingers. See how many strangers will do it too.
097. Do yoga.
098. Write someone who inspires you a letter and tell them that they inspire you.

101. Make a recipe book of things I can make easily.
102. Make a list of things to keep in my fridge.
103. Write a letter to myself. A POSITIVE one.

105. Learn how to say “good morning” or “i missed you” or something in Bengali, Sri Lankan & Shona…
106. Play flute!

 108. Buy thick tights. And earrings. And be artsy/fashiony so they won’t make you go “emergency” shopping.

111. Go on nighttime adventures!
112. Learn how to do makeup for “situations”

116. Print a bunch of pictures to bring back to school. Get ticky tacky thing for walls?

118. Do some SCHOLARSHIPS!!
121. Professional Clothing!!

128. Bike to town.

131. UPDATE MY BLOG! (ok this is one of those that shall just stay here...)

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